
Sending Emails

Sending new emails

How to send a new email:

  1. Click on New email.

    If you work in another app and you do not want to leave that app, you can use the More actions icon in the button for creating objects.

  2. Enter the recipients' email addresses in the To field.

    • While entering the recipients, matching suggestions will be displayed. To accept a suggestion, click on it. To accept the first suggestion, press Enter.

    • To select contacts from an address book, click the Select contact icon on the right side of the input field.

  3. To send a copy to other recipients, click on CC or BCC on the upper right side.

    • If the recipients are to see who gets a copy of the email, enter the recipients in the CC field.

    • If the recipients are not to see who gets a copy of the email, enter the recipients in the BCC field.

  4. Enter a subject. Enter the email text.

  5. Click on Send.


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